Mr. Castillo Fifth Grade


And we're off.  We will explore the the exploration of the new world, and the physical make up of our universe, the creation of a new nation.  I hope you have an exciting year!

Transportation Home

The way I figure it, your child will get to school somehow, and hopefully on time, in line by 7:28. However, I do need to know how your child is to be going home each day.  I know that at the last minute, sometimes we forgot to tell our child that they will be picked up today by Auntie, Uncle, or your neighbor.  Unfortunately, unless I get notice from the office, I cannot take your child's word as to any change.  Please see the student handbook as to the office requirements for notice of change.


Homework has always been a hot topic. Some parents beg for more.  Some beg for less. Homework is intended for extra practice and time to complete work not finished at school.  Each day your child is encouraged to read a "good fit" (appropriate level) book for about 20 minutes and practice multiplication and division facts.  Periodically, there will be special projects to complete at home. These projectsvwill be posted on this website.  Otherwise there is no homework to turn in. I would rather have your child do less homework and spend more time playing outside, reading for fun, an participating in extra-curricular activities such a dance or sports.   


Grades are reflective of the effort and achievement you child is making according to the common core standards.

All parents want to know that their child is not failing school.  If you child needs extra practice I will provide it or you can request it.  Grades and assignment scores are posted on Infinite Campus.  Some parents have been able to get in with their own code.  If you are having problems you may have your child use their login or you may contact Bryan Piveral, our informational technologist

You are encourage to check you child's grades at least every two weeks.  if you have any questions please contact.  

All assignments will be posted on this website along with directions and copies of needed materials.  Also, a few extra copies will be available for the student to acquire.  I require that students acquire any incomplete, unsubmitted, or otherwise missed assigments on their own.  Some would prefer that their parents or the teacher to be responsible for their work.  In doing so, however, they are choosing to not be responsible themselves.



Here at Mission Crest we expect students to BOLT.  

Be responsible. Own you actions. Lead positively, and Think about others.

We realize that kids are kids and mistakes will happen, at the same time, when chlldren are allowed to make excuses for their actions, they do not learn to how to become a responsible and caring adult.

I use a variety of consequences including notes home, calls home, detention, and time out.  Rarely do I send a child to the office unless their actions dictate that I must do so.   I will have a reward and fine sytem in which students can earn classroom money for rewards.  They may also be fined for making poor choices.